How to avoid raising a brat who wont listen.
Empower yourself by knowing the parenting style you need for happy and successful kids. Get it right the first time!
- Instead of paying $65, get this course as a FREE gift here (no strings attached but for a limited time only)
- Over 17 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
- Learn the skill of how to express your anger so your children HEAR you instead of FEAR you.
- Learn the one-word-technique that will transform bad behaviour to respectable behaviour.
- Trying to preventing your child from failing is a mistake: Learn how to support them through it.
- Learn how to be a fun and spontaneous parent while still having consistent boundaries.
- Know what you unintentionally may be doing that is damaging your child.
- Implement the 3 step formula for solving any parenting problem.
- Calculate how much your parenting skills are costing you in time and money.
- Implement 2 quick skills in getting your children to cooperate and listen to you.
- Find out more (you will be taken to the UDEMY site. If you want this course for FREE we suggest you come back to this page to claim it above.)
Testimonial See test here why parents and teachers give this course 5/5 stars!
Watch the intro video: 2 mins
How to get your children to cooperate, even when they don't want to
Avoid the shouting, threats, and bribes with these Emotionally Intelligent skills and boundaries - (toddler to teen).
- In English with a choice of subtitles in English, Spanish andAfrikaans
- Over 31 lectures and 2 hours of content!
- Skills that will save you time and energy every day with less shouting, fighting, or resentment!
- Understand what you are doing that makes your child stubborn and resist you
- Discover what successful parents do that you can copy
- Know the risks and pitfalls to avoid your children getting really angry with you
- Learn the actual words that create conflict and tension in your household, and change those words and you suddenly get cooperation (this is a science, not just 'magic')
- Set quick boundaries with your children listening the first time!
- Get your children to persevere and not give up on their challenges!
- Get your children to have an "I can..." attitude instead of them being a victim and "I can't do it..."
- Click here and pay FULL price = $75 (you pay at the UDEMY website)
- Or click here to pay the discounted price of only $15 (instead of $75) (pay via my website and we cut out the middle-person)
- Find out more and read the testimonials (you will be taken to the UDEMY site. If you want the discounted price we suggest you come back to this page.)
Watch the intro video: 2 mins
Alternatives to saying "NO!, DON'T or STOP!" without giving in to your child.
Moving from surviving to thriving by putting in place any type of boundary, in any place at any time, with all ages.
- Over 38 lectures and 3 hours of content!
- How to say NO! in a way that is respectful and empowering.
- What to say instead of "Don't do that! Stop it!" that actually makes them feel good about themselves.
- Put in place a range of boundaries without giving in to your children.
- Unlock the resentment and sour faces when you say NO to your children.
- How to get their children to come up with their own solutions instead of complaining how unfair you are.
- Get your child to stop doing what you don't want them to do, without angry fights and guilty feelings of punishment.
- Be able to pinpoint why you say NO, understand what need of yours you are protecting, and how to transform that into everyday breakthroughs.
- Use emotionally intelligent skills that only therapists use because no one knows how to teach them.
- Click here and pay FULL price = $75 (you pay at the UDEMY website)
- Or click here to pay the discounted price of only $10 (instead of $75) (pay via my website and we cut out the middle-person)
- Find out more and read the testimonials (you will be taken to the UDEMY site. If you want the discounted price we suggest you come back to this page.)
Watch the intro video: 2 mins
Boost your kid's self esteem and success with praise skills
Increase your child's confidence and success with this step by step guide (while avoiding the risk of over praising).
- Over 29 lectures and 2 hours of content!
- Consciously and strategically increase your child's self esteem and confidence.
- Be able to praise whenever you want to, no matter how you feel about it.
- Know which praise words and phrases to avoid as those words do more damage than good.
- You will be able to use 10 different and awesome praise techniques with your children.
- You will have a plan of action to adapt each skill to your specific family situation.
- You will know how to always praise honestly and authentically, everytime, and as many times as you wish. No risk of over praising.
- You will have summary print out sheets to help you integrate the skills into every day practise. You will have access to our skill integration programme to help you remember these over a 3 week period.
- Click here and pay FULL price = $40 (you pay at the UDEMY website)
- Or click here to pay the discounted price of only $15 (instead of $40) (pay via my website and we cut out the middle-person)
- Find out more and read the testimonials (you will be taken to the UDEMY site. If you want the discounted price we suggest you come back to this page.)
Watch the intro video: 2 mins
How to modify your child's behaviour with these newly invented star charts.
For any chore or boundary use these new designs and models of behavior and reward charts- no bribes, any age (2-19yrs).
- Over 42 lectures and 2 hours of content!
- Can be used for getting teeth brushed, food eaten, homework done, chores completed, dogs fed, stopping swearing, being kind and polite and more....
- Learn the "magic wording" to support your child in changing their behaviour to what you are wanting.
- If you want to support your child without them feeling bad and wrong, then the wonderful wording in this course will unlock that for you.
- Know the hidden secrets on how to avoid using prizes and rewards as motivation to get your child to participate.
- Each model has a printable STEP-BY-STEP sheet that you can follow to get the results you want. Just fill in the gaps and read out to your child.
- Know how to use and adapt at least 6 different models to bring about those boundaries that you are wanting.
- Get them to CHOOSE to improve their own bevaviour, and not just be told by you.
- Learn the skills to get your children to be SELF motivated.
- If you want your child to do ANYTHING, then these models will support you in getting it done without the long faces and threats of punishment.
- Click here and pay FULL price = $75 (you pay at the UDEMY website)
- Or click here to pay the discounted price of only $10 (instead of $75) (pay via my website and we cut out the middle-person)
- Find out more and read the testimonials (you will be taken to the UDEMY site. If you want the discounted price we suggest you come back to this page.)
Watch the intro video: 2 mins
Good manners for kids, how to get them to say PLEASE and be POLITE
Raise a polite child who has more friends and is better liked by teachers. Step by step skills to improve their success.
- Over 23 lectures and 2 hours of content!
- Know the risks and pitfalls to avoid while asking for Politeness!
- You will be able to get your child to say PLEASE and be polite without threats or punishment.
- You will realise that just one word you say can make everything work, or just fall apart. Yep… just one word and I will show you what that is.
- Find fun ways to get your family on board instead of this being just another chore for everyone.
- Learn what you should never say when you are trying to get them to say PLEASE.
- You will learn how to deal with various responses from your child that will enable you to get them back on track.
- Understand what you are doing that makes your child stubborn and resist you teaching them about being polite!
- Learn the simple sentences that allow you to correct your child’s impoliteness without making them feel bad or resent you
- Click here and pay FULL price = $40 (you pay at the UDEMY website)
- Or click here to pay the discounted price of only $10 (instead of $40) (pay via my website and we cut out the middle-person)
- Find out more and read the testimonials (you will be taken to the UDEMY site. If you want the discounted price we suggest you come back to this page.)
Watch the intro video: 2 mins
What your child wants to know from you before you die.
Answers to the the most important life questions you have on capturing your love, wishes and memories for your children.
- Over 16 lectures and 53 mins of content!
- Answer the 6 most important questions your children want answers to in case you die early.
- Create a "LIVING MEMORY WILL" in case you die early.
- Create a strategy to 'cheat death' so your legacy carries on for your children.
- Know the 5 questions to ask your child so they are ready to record their own conscious memories.
- Create the steps to share your 'parenting journey' so when your children are parents themselves, they will understand why you parent how you do right now.
- Capture and record your most valuable thoughts and memories for your children.
- Click here and pay FULL price = $25 (you pay at the UDEMY website)
- Or click here to pay the discounted price of only $10 (instead of $25) (pay via my website and we cut out the middle-person)
- Find out more and read the testimonials (you will be taken to the UDEMY site. If you want the discounted price we suggest you come back to this page.)
Watch the intro video: 2 mins
The top 20 questions and answers to become a better parent (FREE course)
Emotionally intelligent solutions to your everyday parenting questions - the resource for successful parenting.
- You can get this course for FREE
- Over 27 lectures and 2 hours of content
- Know how to stop your child's whining and sulking behaviour
- Use alternatives to yelling and shouting, keeping your child's dignity in tact
- Put in place effective boundaries with the 3 D's to intelligent boundaries
- Understand why some children listen to you, but don't do what you ask
- Know how to apply the developmental stages of child development
- Learn why 'TIME-OUT' chairs do more damage than good
- Deal with your child's school separation anxiety
- Enrol in this coruse FOR FREE
Watch the intro video: 2 mins
Haz que tus hijos cooperen incluso si no quieren hacerlo.
Evita los gritos, amenazas y sobornos con estas habilidades emocionalmente inteligentes y límites – (niño a adolescente)
- Habilidades que te ahorraran tiempo y energía cada día con menos gritos, discusiones o resentimientos.
- Entiende que estás haciendo que hace a tu hijo terco y que se te oponga.
- Descubre lo que los padres exitosos hacen y que tu puedes copiar.
- Conoce los riesgos y trampas para evitar que tus hijos se molesten mucho contigo.
- Aprende las palabras actuales que crean conflicto y tensión en tu hogar, y cambia esas palabras e inesperadamente recibirás cooperación (esto es una ciencia, no solo “magia”).
- Obtén cooperación instantánea de tus hijos.
- Coloca límites rápidos con tus hijos escuchando la primera vez.
- Haz que tus hijos perseveren y no se rindan a sus desafíos.
- Haz que tus hijos tengan una actitud de “Yo puedo…” en vez de ser una víctima y “Yo no puedo hacerlo”.
- Tu estilo de crianza impacta su desarrollo de personalidad – descubre como estar confiado y no dejar esto a la suerte.
- Pague el precio descontado de $15
Ver el vídeo de introducción: 2 mins