Meaningful Youtube favourites (12)
This category is a list of my favourite meaningful Youtube videos
%AM, %17 %421 %2012 %11:%Sep
What would you do if you found a dying starfish on the beach?
Written by Robin Booth
every wondered what a difference you may be making for your child? have you ever seen how something so small can have such a large impact somewhere else? what would you do if you were this boy.... would you make a difference? This story has been around the block many times and seems to be a huge driver for teachers. Often teachers wonder what impact they are having, and at times find it difficult to spend so much time on one child when our whole education system is in crisis. Sometimes we can't predict what the outcomes of our actions are going to be, so we just take it a step at a time.
You would do practically anything for your children, right? Your love for them literally has no boundaries? You wish to give your child everything they need? Although this is one parent's amazing story, I reckon you would do the same as well. Although this seems like an extra-ordinary story, I still feel that this happens every day in many ways, through out the world. This is a tribute to you as a parent, where ever you are, and what ever you do for your children.
Please share your insights, your inspirations or comments below:
%AM, %09 %409 %2012 %10:%Jul
Here's how our parenting styles may have let our children down
Written by Robin Booth
Have we let our youth down? Are our parenting styles creating incompetent youths? Is there hope for you youths in a world that is fast deteriorating? This clever video clip takes a look at some of these questions and shows how our values may still be ok
%AM, %04 %404 %2012 %10:%Jun
A teacher thought the child was naughty but got a wake up call instead
Written by Robin Booth
A teacher gets a wake up call when she has pre-judged a child to be naughty. Teachers need to be more open to seeing the world from a child's perspective. Schooling is not just about reading and writting but also about friendships, care, love, and happiness.
How do you know if you are overprotecting your children? How much risk is a good thing? Can risking something turn into a good thing? A great quote says, "many a one has succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat, he would never have known any great victory.' Every time we try to protect our children from possible failure or rejection, we simultaneously deny them the possibility of succeeding, of persevering, and of accomplishing their dreams. We nearly always regret what we don't do, and are grateful for the learning from what we do.
A great quote says, "many a one has succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat, he would never have known any great victory.' Every time we try to protect our children from possible failure or rejection, we…
%PM, %12 %944 %2012 %23:%Apr
How girls with Bulemia see themselves and what this has to do with praise
Written by Robin Booth
This incredibly powerful advert really conveys that people often don't see themselves as they really are. And inspite of our attempts to persuade them otherwise, they don't believe us. In the world of our children, we often praise them for things we see them do, wanting to boost their confidence and self esteem, but they often don't really believe that about themselves. This is the similarity to this video clip shown here. It is essential we learn the intelligent skills of praise that will support our children in seeing themselves as they truely are.
%PM, %10 %914 %2012 %22:%Apr
What will you regret at the age of 90? Live without regret
Written by Robin Booth
If you keep living your life as you are currently doing so now.... and you get to the age of 90, what will you look back on and regret? Nearly all of us regret what we don't do. Rarely do with regret what we do as each mistake becomes a learning and every experience holds meaning. Make sure your regrets of what you didn't do don't end up as weights on the shoulders of your chidlren because you didn't follow your own dreams first. And if your biggest wish is that your children are happy and follow their dreams, you will need to set that example for them.
I am sure every parent that struggles with sibling rivalry wishes their children could have a relationship like this one. And it's possible. There are some amazing skills to learn to create these deep relationships. Conflict resolution, problem solving, listening with intent, engaging cooperation etc are just a few. Check out the Siblings with Success workshop session to learn them.
%PM, %05 %937 %2012 %23:%Apr
Are you mis-judging your child and putting them into a box?
Written by Robin Booth
Eventhough this clip is about autism, I believe it stands true for every child. We must be aware of what we are judging and how we are labeling our children. When we come from a space of wanting to understand, then maybe then we can really support our children in becoming the beings they wish to become.
%PM, %22 %928 %2012 %23:%Mar
If you thought your children were hectic, watch these children
Written by Robin Booth
I watch this clip to remind me of what happens when children don't have consistent boundaries. And if you feel you are in this same position, then the session on Setting Effectvie boundaries will really help you out.
%PM, %19 %932 %2012 %23:%Mar
Showing how children were treated in the 1960s and now today
Written by Robin Booth
This is a fascinating and humerous look at how some discpline scenarios have changed, for better or for worse. Are our modern parenting styles and techniques going to back fire on us as predicted here?
This modern song captures the essence of what a parent wishes for in their child after they themselves have battled through life. Childhood is not always fair, nor kind, nor filled will fond memories. This is what drives us to be our best selves. We promise our children they will have a childhood better than the one we had ourselves.