This work that I share with parents is not for everyone.
Or maybe I should say that I have not found a significant way to make it readily available and easy to integrate, for everyone.
Parents that seem to get amazing and consistent results from doing my work (and other conscious parenting work) have a few things in common. And the key ingredient is consistent results.
When doing one of my workshops, most parents get really good results and quite a few get amazing results with some significant breakthroughs. But if I asked them again in 2 months time, then things seem to have settled back into the old habits.
This is probably the same with any form of change whether it be a new diet, a new fitness routine or learning a new language.
I really wish there was a magic pill that would enable a parent to be upskilled quickly, with the emotional intelligence to back it up.
Getting the results as described below requires from a parent more than just a willingness. We are all wanting to and willing to learn new skills and improve ourselves.
But what is needed more than that is a degree of self discipline and commitment that gets you to push through what you already know. Our promises are only as good as the action that comes after it. And our words (and what we say we want) are only as strong as our self discipline to bring us back on track to do what is needed.
I am sorry to break it to parents out there who are looking for the quick-fix. If it was that easy, then there would be no need for a website like mine.
This is what some incredibly successful parents said after getting the results they were wanting.
Parent 1:Theoretically knowing the skills you need to unlock challenging situations is one thing. But having the practical ability to effectively use these skills in real life with your kids, when you are late or tired, or they are whining and uncooperative, takes a lot of hard work and daily practice. The results I got with my kids while I was on the course is a constant inspiration to keep doing the work.
Parent 2: The revelation was around listening (which I thought I did quite well before the course) - the different levels and how I need to get out of my head, thinking about what to say next, or why what was being said was being said and just feel the meaning and motivation behind the words. And it's practice, practice, practice. I could have spent twice as long, practicing and then deepening my listening.
Parent 3: The insights and skills that I have taken away from this course are tremendous and are not limited to the upbringing of your children, but are skills that one uses with every single person with whom you interact. This was possibly the best investment that I have ever made.