Guest speakers and interviews (21)
Robin interviews thought leaders (or is being interviewed by them) to bring their skills to you.
%AM, %03 %423 %2017 %11:%Nov
Why your kid's school is not getting them business ready.
Written by Robin Booth
[This article by Robin Booth was published in Fast Company Oct 2017) "Have you just wasted the last 12 years of your life at school?” This was the question I asked over 2000 of South Africa’s top school graduates as their key note speaker at the Gibs business school annual career expo 2017. They quickly quietened down when I shared the reality of their future: 1) If you think you can choose a career, the trouble is that the top jobs in demand today, were not even in existence 5 years ago. 2) If you study a technical degree today, and at the rate technology is evolving, the information you learn today will already be outdated in 3 years’ time leaving you with useless information.3) By the age of 34, you will have had more than 15 different jobs.4) In 5 years’ time less than 9% of you will have…
$500 000 to be donated (R7 000 000) - and YOU can even get a part of it! Robin summited Island Peak at 09:26 th on the 29th April 2017. The following days over 7500 online courses were distributed worldwide totalling over $550 0000. Below is the outline of the project! I have persuaded the directors of the non-profit education organisation, Synergy Schooling, that if I can summit Island Peak in May 2017 (it's a mountain peak just next to Mount Everest), they will donate $500 000 worth of online workshops to parents, schools and teachers around the world.
Read 3019 times
%AM, %19 %343 %2017 %09:%Jul
Making it to the top with the world’s No. 1 Wealth Coach, JT FOXX
Written by Robin Booth
Six months ago my story sounded very different. I had kept doing what I had always done and had kept getting what I had always got. Then something changed.My results in the last 6 months: - Have a $15 million property development on the table. - Started, grew and monetised three different businesses 2 of which are global. - Spoke on 7 different stages with audiences up to 1800 people, in different cities, sharing wealth creation strategies and coaching outcomes. - Featured in a high profile magazine for my international property and capital company.- Interviewed on stage some amazing people like Ndaba Mandela and Randi Zuckerberg- Coached high net worth clients to take their business to the next level. I can still hear the words coming from JT Foxx at one of his events.“I’ll take you to the top with me!”
%PM, %02 %619 %2017 %15:%Jun
Mandela taught this South African man a good lesson
Written by Robin Booth
The Mandela name is famous throughout the world. But did he pass on those values and that humility to his children and grandchildren? And how did Madiba understand success? I was determined to find out when I interviewed his grandson Ndaba Mandela (see the video of the interview)
%PM, %01 %644 %2017 %16:%Jun
Zuckerberg shares the top 5 secrets on business success and parenting
Written by Robin Booth
Zuckerberg has a secret, and I think I have discovered it! Zuckerberg is a household name throughout most of the world. Millions of people use Facebook and know that Mark Zuckerberg is the founder. And his sister, Randi Zuckerberg, is also known as the one who took Facebook to the next level. I got to connect to her (both on and off stage), and asked her about how she builds connection and trust, both as a parent and as a succesful business person. Here she shares her tips for creating this success, but the real secret is how she makes people feel when they speak to her.
%PM, %01 %581 %2017 %14:%Jun
Wayde van Niekerk:The 5 things the world’s fastest runner taught me
Written by Robin Booth
Wayde van Niekerk is an Olympic Gold medallist at the Rio 2016 Olympics, smashing a 17 year old world record for the 400m. And if that is not enough, he is the only person to do the following three: Run the 100m under 20secs, the 200m under 20secs, and the 400m under 44 seconds. Even his close friend Usain Bolt’s jaw dropped when Wayde won the Olympic race! I had the pleasure to connect to him recently, and took away 5 really important points from his story.
What is the future of education? What will schools teach in the future? Or more importantly, what should the school be teaching tight now! Robin is interviewed by one of the Top Parent Podcasts listed on iTunes.
%AM, %22 %423 %2014 %11:%Mar
The Top 5 things Robin Booth learnt about Parenting and Cooperation with Randi Zuckerberg
Written by Robin Booth
Randi Zuckerberg and her brother Mark started Facebook together. In many ways she has been accredited with the phenomenal growth of Facebook due to her marketing skills. And she is a parent. I met her last year (2013) in the USA, and have listed below the Top 5 things I learnt from her during that conversation on parenting, children and what motivates people. Read on...
%AM, %24 %357 %2014 %09:%Jan
Rene cleverly uses the DISC profile to get a pay increase
Written by Robin Booth
Rene has asked for a pay-rise on two previous occasions. She was now angry ,frustrated, and impatient. And then she realised that her boss was a high "C" in the disc profile and she was approaching him with her high "D" profile. So she figured out what to do and got her pay rise. Watch the video to see how she did it. length: 05:15
By Robin Booth One of the biggest assumptions parents make is believing that having an empowered and confident child will make life easier for them. Maybe now their children will listen, pack away, do their homework on their own without being nagged at etc. But in order to handle an empowered child, you need to up your own skill sets, otherwise your buttons will really be pushed and you will revert back to the traditional techniques used on you. I call that stage of empowerment, the vomit stage and..
By Robin Booth I believe that a posisble answer to our education challenges stares us in the face everyday. It is people who MAKE education, and not education that makes people. What would it be like for us to create the results we are so wishing for in our education system becuase of who we ARE? That is my wish and is the premise that the Synergy Schooling Approach proved. Here is a short video clip where I share some of my thoughts on this.
Written by Kim Cassidy (a teacher who worked with me at Synergy Schooling) And today I find myself at a crossroads - yes a self imposed one, not created by anyone else other than me. I came to a decision that I HAD to do something about a certain situation that has not been working for me and I thought that I must do something about it TODAY!
Every family has its traditions right? The kinds of things we do a certain times that either makes us weird, or inspiring to others? Does your family make things at Chrsitmas time, or do you celebrate seasonal changes? Amanda shares some of the special celebrations her family has stumbled upon, or consciously created .... read on.
%PM, %27 %879 %2012 %22:%Aug
What to do when you are stuck and not sure what to do next
Written by Robin Booth
Have you even been stuck and not known what to do next? Do you sometimes feel you know that what you are doing now is not appropriate but not sure what to do instead? You want to parent better than you currently are but not sure how that looks? You are only stuck because you are not doing something different. There is no other reason. You are also only stuck because you just do not know the solution. So the quesiton to ask is whether you find yourself complaining that you don't have the solution, or do you spend your time and energy in doing something different so as to see if you get a different result. In this interview with Christpoher Nevill (an expert in the field of personal development and accessing your better potential), I explore with him this stumbling block for so many parents. Doing the same…