Boundaries (4)
These are skills and stories from the online session on SETTING EFFECTIVE BOUNDARIES. Do you know the 3 key things that need to be in palce for your boundaries to succeed? Detail, Delivery and Diligence. Click here to see more about this session.
%AM, %24 %342 %2014 %09:%Jan
Choices within a boundary - what if they reply... I don't want to...?
Written by Robin Booth
Have you had that situation where you apply a skill and it doesn't work? So you apply a variation of the skill, and it still doesn't work? Your child replies with, "I don't want to..." Well this happened to Mari and she asked me what she could do... This video was my reply, taking her deeper into the insights of the skill of "Setting the boundary and giving choices within the boundary." length: 13:25
%PM, %12 %495 %2012 %12:%Nov
How to unlock the boundaries that are not working for you
Written by Robin Booth
The first time they don't keep the boundary I get frustrated that they didn't listen to me. The second time I start complaining that they don't take me seriously. The third time I get really angry and start threatening them.The fourth time I lose it.The fifth time I look to see how I can punish them. Maybe that will teach them a lesson.The sixth time.... oh my...already on the 6th time... I just give up. Children will be children. The following video clip shows how and why this happens. It doesn't have to be this way.
%AM, %12 %374 %2012 %09:%Nov
The three things you need to know in setting intelligent boundaries
Written by Robin Booth
To put a boundary in place with your children depends on your skills in the following three areas. The Detail The Delivery The Diligence Otherwise you end up having to resort to shouting, threats, punishment and manipulation. I choose not to do that in my household. Watch this video clip to find out more about setting really great boundaries in a dignified and respectful way.
%PM, %16 %534 %2012 %13:%Jul
Sibling Rivalry while getting children to sleep.
Written by Robin Booth
Your child needs to sleep but the siblings keep them awake You want to put the baby to sleep but you keep being disturbed. While you are with the the one sibling, the other also wants you to spend time with them. In this video clip taken from the online session on Setting Effective Boundaries, Amanda shares how she decided to take on ensuring her youngster got the sleep that she needed. And it made a HUGE difference to her in time and energy. Diligence is the third criteria needed for setting effective boundaries.Detail is the first, and Delivery is the second. Without these three criteria all being met, your boundary will not last.
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