Being a parent (11)
This cateogry is about the challenges of being an empowered and intelligent parent
We want to parent to the best of our abilities. And at some point on our journey we promise this to our children. And we want the best for our children. But how can we prepare them and give them the best chance for happiness and success? This lecture looks at the top skills that the top companies are looking for in the youth of today. These are the qualities YOU as the parent can develop and nurture in your children.
%PM, %01 %625 %2017 %16:%May
Ouch! My bad parenting skills could be costing me over $100 000!
Written by Robin Booth
The most important thing about understanding our modern day parenting crisis is knowing how much this crisis could be costing us. But we know it costs us frustration and patience. In this lecture I show you how we calculate how much time we are wasting, as well as how much this could be costing us in money! 45 minutes x 7 days = 22 hours per month x12 months = 270 hours in a year.
%PM, %11 %569 %2013 %14:%Mar
Why these parents are getting these incredible results.
Written by Robin Booth
I have often wondered what it is that gets these parents these results. Cooperation, trust, flow, harmony. I think I know at least one answer. To get these results, this is what you have to understand, and do.
%AM, %11 %408 %2013 %10:%Mar
If you ever get stuck, ask yourself these questions
Written by Robin Booth
Here are a list of questions that are guarenteed to get yourself unstuck from any situation you find yourself in. A free e-book which is a quick and easy read.
%AM, %11 %400 %2013 %10:%Mar
When I was 7 yrs old, my mother made this gift for my children.
Written by Robin Booth
33 years after my mother died (when I was 7 she died), I find out she knitted some clothes for MY children (which would be her grandchildren). Out of the blue I have something made from her own hands.
This is what you will find out below: what values and characteristics form the underlying foundation of your parenting style ways to avoid unconsciously imposing your world view on your child what gets in your way of having really amazing relationships with your spouse/ partner and child how to increase your own personal growth which results in you being a better parent I have spent a long time scouring the internet for some really useful insights into the different Enneagram types and how this relates to your parenting. I have personally I have found this incredibly helpful in understanding myself, my relationships, and my parenting style. If you haven't taken your FREE ENNNEAGRAM TEST to find out which TYPE you are, then click here to have your mind blown away. The www.enneagraminstitute.com is a really great resource and a lot of the information below comes from that site. Obviously I…
%AM, %19 %417 %2012 %11:%Jun
Your parenting style answered using the DISC profile test
Written by Robin Booth
This will help you understand your parenting style better. A few weeks ago (17th May, you can see it here)I posted a blog on how you can do the DISC personality profile test (worth $250) for free. And below are some interpretations on how those scores relate to your parenting style and why some of that 'FLOW' in the home may not be working as well as you want. I am a high 'S' and 'C' type whcih means I love stability, routine and attention to detail. No wonder I am good at setting boundaries and ensuring they are kept. My profile is also great at doing it the correct way the first time (great for getting cooperation and discipline). But I'm a low 'I' which means I am more introverted and 'cool'. The children find me less approachable, and difficult to read. It now makes sense why I spend…
%PM, %17 %640 %2012 %16:%May
Personality tests that could help you parent with greater awareness.
Written by Robin Booth
Once you have taken your test, read how your type influences your parenting style here:Disc and parent styles If you struggle to get your children to cooperate with you, or to take your boundaries seriously, it may be due to you both having different behavioural personality types. You may be a parent who expects your boundaries to be met (you would therefore be a high "C" parent) but if your child is a high "I", they don't like consistency and hard fast rules. The outcome: a lot of stress, tension and misunderstanding. But now imagine that you know which type you are, and which type they are, then you would now know which appropriate skills and techniques to use to get what you needed done. Or what about your child's needs as a way of guidance from you? • High “D” children need challenge and dominance. • High “I” children…
%AM, %01 %419 %2012 %11:%Apr
I don't want to use the negative techniques my parents used on me.
Written by Robin Booth
I don't want to use the negatvie techniques my parents used on me. I want to find other ways to parent than my parents did on me We spend more formal time to learn to drive a car than to communicate effectively with your chlid. Length: 3:34 minutes
This interview is part of longer one on SAFM radio. The longer one can be heard here
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%AM, %30 %416 %2012 %10:%Mar
At what age does your child stop preparing for life, and begin to live it?
Written by Robin Booth
At what age does a child begin to live their own life? At what age do we see our children living their lives opposed to preparing to live them? Length: 1:17 minutes
This interview is part of longer one on SAFM radio. The longer one can be heard here
(Right-click & select "save link as" or "save target as"...)
The quick fix for being an empowered and emotionally intelligent parent is very simple, but just not that easy. Do you have what it takes to take on your own development? Length: 1:14 minutes
This interview is part of longer one on SAFM radio. The longer one can be heard here
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